About the Courseware

Oxford Insight pairs the quality higher education titles instructors prefer with curated media resources, activities, and gradable assessment in a digital, guided learning environment that delivers performance analytics and, ultimately, drives student engagement.

About the Courseware

Oxford Insight pairs the quality higher education titles instructors prefer with curated media resources, activities, and gradable assessment in a digital, guided learning environment that delivers performance analytics and, ultimately, drives student engagement.

Courseware Features Overview

Oxford Insight delivers a modern user experience for higher education instructors and students. The overall intuitive user interface and navigation provides a seamless way for students to engage with the content and for instructors to easily access robust reporting and course management tools.

Anatomy of a Course

Engagement through active learning

Oxford Insight courses are organized into sections that map to clear learning objectives. Each section includes the e-Book, relevant media resources, formative activities, and practice self-assessment. The left-hand navigation sidebar allows for more vertical space for the content and can be collapsed to maximize screen space further.


The dashboard landing pages spotlight key information immediately upon login. For students, the dashboard brings forward the elements most important to them, including assignments due, current grade, messages from their instructor, and the course table of contents. The instructor dashboard provides a snapshot of assignments that need grading, current student course performance, and a calendar view of assignments and due dates.


Instructors can customize an Oxford Insight course in a myriad of ways to meet their unique pedagogical needs at any time.

As the instructor, you have the ability to customize any existing quiz or create your own from scratch.

  • Adding/removing questions from the bank

  • Adding questions you create in a wide variety of question types (some auto-graded and some not)

  • Editing existing questions anyway you choose (edit the question or edit the answer choices)

  • Adding your own list of pre-created questions

Your changes and customizations are saved and maintained across semesters, saving you time on future prep.

Reporting and Insights

Oxford Insight offers robust reporting and insights in order to gauge student engagement and performance at any point in the term, giving instructors the ability to spot struggling students early, having meaningful conversations during office hours, and take action to in order to help students succeed.

  • The Course Performance Report shows course summary statistics, such as overall average grade distribution, average grade by chapter, and average time spent in the course.

  • The Student Deep Dive Report brings together all aspects of each individual student’s work and performance into one dashboard, showing a detailed breakdown of performance and engagement.

  • The Assessment Deep Dive Report gives instructors quick access to detailed information on each assignment, such as a grade distribution graph, a list of all student submissions, and performance by course learning objective.

Course Performance Report

Student Deep Dive Report

Assessment Deep Dive Report

Study Center

The Study Center is very student driven. We don’t gate, force path, or lock content to users. This is based on research around student motivation. Force-pathing students (and taking the control out of their hands) often hurts proficiency. Instead, Oxford Insight provides information to the user to allow them to take control of the adaptive experience.

As students work through the activities in their Oxford Insight course – that is, they read the assigned text and complete assessments – the Study Center recommends the sections each student needs to review further based on their unique performance on the assessments within the chapter and their time spent in the reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know many students face financial burdens and work to make sure our courseware is fairly priced. Oxford Insight, is a comprehensive courseware solution. Students can enjoy a 14-day free trial and after making their purchase will have access to the full eText and all the digital resources and assignments that accompany the book.

Oxford Insight comes with a suite of ready-to-use assignments but you also have the freedom to hide resources from your students and customize your course however you want. This includes uploading materials and building assignments you may have already designed in your LMS. Part of your ability to customize Oxford Insight includes reordering the text to fit your current pedagogy. This means you don’t have to change the way you currently use the book.

Oxford Insight includes several unique courseware features, including an adaptive Study Center that responds to student performance on assignments as well as analytics and data related to their progress and performance. Also, OUP employs a team of talented Product Developers who build innovative teaching and learning tools. And, finally, Oxford Insight titles offer the same best-in-class content you have come to expect from OUP.

Even though the initial investment of learning something new can appear daunting, with Oxford Insight you will have access to one-on-one support through your sales representative, including a comprehensive demo, onboarding, and First Day of Class assistance, as well as OUP Customer Service for technical support. The online Oxford Insight Knowledge Base is also available 24/7 and offers step-by-step guides, how-to articles, video tutorials, and more. You can explore the platform at your own pace and share it with your students when you feel comfortable.

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